
interval training fat loss metabolism

Interval training improves fat burning

How Interval Training Improves Fat Burning   Metabolism Interval Training Interval training is exercise consisting of alternate short periods of high intensity and longer periods of low intensity activity. This method is a time efficient and effective training method to improve fitness. All you need is 20-30 minutes twice per week to get an effect. […]

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HRM running

Heart Rate Monitors

Heart Rate Monitors   Heart rate monitors are a very useful training tool for anyone but this is especially so for anyone fortunate enough to have the results of metabolism testing to guide their training. The big value of metabolism testing is that precise training zones can be determined to ensure you get the most […]

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Goal Setting Part 3 – Sports Performance

Goal Setting Part 3 – Sports Performance Regardless of what level of sport you participate in, setting goals will help you in so many ways. Professional, elite athletes with strong coaching and support networks have the opportunity to undertake comprehensive, thorough goal setting processes that contribute greatly to their ultimate success. But it’s not just […]

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Goal Setting Part 2 – Goal Setting in Weight Management

Goal Setting Part 2 – Weight Management Goal setting is an essential part of any weight management program. Really, until you have undertaken a thorough goal setting process, you are just taking a ‘hit and hope’ approach and your weight management program is unlikely to be anywhere near as effective as it could be. As […]

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Kokoda Challenge Start Line

My First Kokoda Challenge

My First Kokoda Challenge My first Kokoda Challenge was a bit of a surprise as, fittingly it popped up in the middle of a series of challenges that I was doing to raise money for a couple of charities. I only had 2 days to prepare for this epic adventure with a team of great […]

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goal setting

Goal Setting Part 1

Goal Setting Part 1 Goal setting is an extremely powerful tool when applied in both weight management and sports performance. This is not a trivial process that you do a half-hearted job of. Effective goal setting is a continual process that will drastically increase the likelihood of you achieving the outcome you desire. Effective goal setting […]

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Metabolism Interval Training

Interval Training for Weight Loss

Interval Training for Weight Loss Generally people want to lose weight for two main reasons; to look & feel better. Given this, more than wanting to lose weight, it is actually losing fat that will really give them the results they are after. Your ability to lose fat is dependent on your body’s ability to […]

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